20. november 2013

Kiroileva siili

Siilid on tegijad, nii Eestis kui ka Soomes. Ühed minu parimatest sõpradest armastavad siile lausa nii palju, et on nende järgi hüüdnime saanud (Siiliproua, Siilihärra). Igatahes on need okkalised elukad mulle kuidagi eriliselt südamelähedaseks muutunud.

Veel hiljuti oli õhus siili Eesti rahvusloomaks kuulutamise idee. Ei teagi täpselt, mis sellest sai, kuid mingil hetkel kogus see päris palju toetust, vähemalt Facebooki põhjal jäi selline mulje. Loodi isegi vastavasisuline fännilehekülg.

Siilide teemal võttis sõna ka kurikuulsa Estonian Moments blogi autor, kes järjestas üheksa põhjust, miks siil Eesti rahvusloomaks sobiks. Minu meelest sai ta eestlaste iseloomule päris hästi pihta (tõlge pärineb err-i koduleheküljel avaldatud loost "Blogija: eesti rahvusloomaks sobiks siil"):

Siilid on nagu eestlased - nad on turtsakad, kui sa nendega suhelda püüad.
Nad mõlemad on endassetõmbunud tegelased, kes eelistavad eraku elustiili.
Eestlased ega ka siilid pole küll tugevad, aga nad on targad.
Eestlased lähevad läbi katsumuste sama sirgeselgselt kui siilidki.
Nad mõlemad on pikaldased, kuid kui tarvis, on nad ka kiired.
Nagu ütleb Heritage petsi koduleht: "...kannatlikkus ja sotsiaalne initsiatiiv on võti siili usalduseni." Kui asendada "siil" "eestlasega", on tulemus väga tõetruu.
Nii siilidel kui ka eestlastel on rahumeelne iseloom. Kuid kui sa otsustad neile väljakutse esitada, ole ettevaatlik! Siilidel on teravad okkad ja eestlastel on terav sarkasm.
Kui siil tunnetab ohtu, tõmbub ta tihedasse kerra. Ohuolukorras kogunevad ka eestlased ja moodustavad nii "Eesti identiteedi" kera.
Siilid on armsad ja häbelikud nagu ka suurem osa eestlastest.
Siilid ja eestlased on mõlemad vahvad, kuigi suurem osa maailmast ei tea neist suurt midagi.

Soomeski on siilid populaarsed, sest nende tujukas iseloom sobib täiuslikult siinsete inimeste huumorisoone ja olemusega. Siilidele on pühedatud ka Kiroileva siili-nimeline bränd (otsetõlkes vanduv siil). Eestis ei ole ma vihase siili tooteid näinud, kuigi need võiksid hästi müüa. Sarkasm ning must huumor - põhjaaabrite siilid esidavad just seda, mida eestlased armastavad.
Siilid pärinevad Milla Paloniemi loodud samanimelisest koomiksiseeriast, mis sai tuntuks juba 2007. aastal. Aja möödudes on nad jõudnud kõikjale - köögitarvetele, riietele jne.
Nagu bränditoodete puhul ikka, on ka siilitoodete hinnad üsna krõbedad (aga näiteks muumidega võrreldes on tegu täieliku sooduskaubaga). Meiegi kodust leida ühe vihase siili (perkelee!!).

  • Hedgehogs are like Estonians, they are grumpy when you try to interact with them.  They (hedgehogs and Estonians) feel shy or anti-social and roll into an “emotional ball”!
  • They are both fairly nervous creatures who live solitary lives. 
  • Neither Estonia nor a hedgehog is powerful or big but they are smart and effective.  Estonians go through challenges with the same calm and cool practicality as a hedgehog does.   
  • They are both slow but if need be, they can be quick. 
  • As Heritage Pets website claims, “patience and lots of socialization are the key to building a trust between you and a hedgehog.” Well, if you replace ‘hedgehog’ with ‘Estonian’ it will still be very true.
  • Hedgehogs and Estonians have a peaceful and quiet nature. But if you decide to challenge them, be careful! Hedgehogs have sharp spikes and Estonians have a spiky sarcasm. 
  • When a hedgehog is threatened it packs itself tightly in a neat little ball. Likewise, when Estonians are threatened they unite and roll themselves into ‘Estonian Identity’.
  • Hedgehogs are simply cute and shy, just like most Estonians. 
  • Hedgehogs, much like Estonia are pretty awesome, yet no one knows anything about them.
  • - See more at: http://estonianmoments.ee/post/55587122538/9-reasons-why-the-hedgehog-should-be-the-national#sthash.iganXn6q.dpuf

  • Hedgehogs are like Estonians, they are grumpy when you try to interact with them.  They (hedgehogs and Estonians) feel shy or anti-social and roll into an “emotional ball”!
  • They are both fairly nervous creatures who live solitary lives. 
  • Neither Estonia nor a hedgehog is powerful or big but they are smart and effective.  Estonians go through challenges with the same calm and cool practicality as a hedgehog does.   
  • They are both slow but if need be, they can be quick. 
  • As Heritage Pets website claims, “patience and lots of socialization are the key to building a trust between you and a hedgehog.” Well, if you replace ‘hedgehog’ with ‘Estonian’ it will still be very true.
  • Hedgehogs and Estonians have a peaceful and quiet nature. But if you decide to challenge them, be careful! Hedgehogs have sharp spikes and Estonians have a spiky sarcasm. 
  • When a hedgehog is threatened it packs itself tightly in a neat little ball. Likewise, when Estonians are threatened they unite and roll themselves into ‘Estonian Identity’.
  • Hedgehogs are simply cute and shy, just like most Estonians. 
  • Hedgehogs, much like Estonia are pretty awesome, yet no one knows anything about them.
  • - See more at: http://estonianmoments.ee/post/55587122538/9-reasons-why-the-hedgehog-should-be-the-national#sthash.iganXn6q.dpuf

  • Hedgehogs are like Estonians, they are grumpy when you try to interact with them.  They (hedgehogs and Estonians) feel shy or anti-social and roll into an “emotional ball”!
  • They are both fairly nervous creatures who live solitary lives. 
  • Neither Estonia nor a hedgehog is powerful or big but they are smart and effective.  Estonians go through challenges with the same calm and cool practicality as a hedgehog does.   
  • They are both slow but if need be, they can be quick. 
  • As Heritage Pets website claims, “patience and lots of socialization are the key to building a trust between you and a hedgehog.” Well, if you replace ‘hedgehog’ with ‘Estonian’ it will still be very true.
  • Hedgehogs and Estonians have a peaceful and quiet nature. But if you decide to challenge them, be careful! Hedgehogs have sharp spikes and Estonians have a spiky sarcasm. 
  • When a hedgehog is threatened it packs itself tightly in a neat little ball. Likewise, when Estonians are threatened they unite and roll themselves into ‘Estonian Identity’.
  • Hedgehogs are simply cute and shy, just like most Estonians. 
  • Hedgehogs, much like Estonia are pretty awesome, yet no one knows anything about them.
  • - See more at: http://estonianmoments.ee/post/55587122538/9-reasons-why-the-hedgehog-should-be-the-national#sthash.iganXn6q.dpuf

  • Hedgehogs are like Estonians, they are grumpy when you try to interact with them.  They (hedgehogs and Estonians) feel shy or anti-social and roll into an “emotional ball”!
  • They are both fairly nervous creatures who live solitary lives. 
  • Neither Estonia nor a hedgehog is powerful or big but they are smart and effective.  Estonians go through challenges with the same calm and cool practicality as a hedgehog does.   
  • They are both slow but if need be, they can be quick. 
  • As Heritage Pets website claims, “patience and lots of socialization are the key to building a trust between you and a hedgehog.” Well, if you replace ‘hedgehog’ with ‘Estonian’ it will still be very true.
  • Hedgehogs and Estonians have a peaceful and quiet nature. But if you decide to challenge them, be careful! Hedgehogs have sharp spikes and Estonians have a spiky sarcasm. 
  • When a hedgehog is threatened it packs itself tightly in a neat little ball. Likewise, when Estonians are threatened they unite and roll themselves into ‘Estonian Identity’.
  • Hedgehogs are simply cute and shy, just like most Estonians. 
  • Hedgehogs, much like Estonia are pretty awesome, yet no one knows anything about them.
  • - See more at: http://estonianmoments.ee/post/55587122538/9-reasons-why-the-hedgehog-should-be-the-national#sthash.iganXn6q.dpuf

    2 kommentaari:

    1. Kadi, hei, Sa kirjutad väga andekalt ja huvitavalt - nauditav ja informatiivne lugemine! :)

