See kurikuulus sisu, millest pole võimalik Soomes elades ei üle ega ümber saada. Sisu lihtsalt peab olema ja jutul lõpp.
Mõned minu lemmikanekdoodid blogist "Finnish from Afar":
Q: What is the difference between an empty stomach and a Finnish person who wants to ask something from a stranger?
A: You can actually hear the empty stomach.
Q: What's the difference between the Vikings and Finnish men?
A: When the Vikings came home after their wars, that's when the real drinking began. But when a Finnish man comes home after drinking, that's when the real war begins.
Q: How do you know a Finnish man is madly in love with his wife?
A: He almost tells her.
Selles sketšis on tõepoolest midagi ürgsoomlaslikku, vähemalt nii nagu me naabritena arvame asjad olevat. Meenuvad kõik Kaurismäki filmid, ängistavad ja samas piiritult oma rahvast armastavad.